Saturday, February 9, 2013

7 Keys to Enhance E-Commerce Customer Service

The e-commerce websites have increased over a tenfold in the past few years and the competition is on a rise. According to a recent study by Microsoft Accelerator Research, nearly a half of the e-commerce startups closed down within 6-12 months of their launch. A lot of these sites have dead inventories and the 20-30% discounts did not help much in covering their costs. The high mortality rate has made it even more pertinent to get the right mix to ensure continuous growth and not fall prey to intense competition. Listed below are 3 Keys to accelerate your e-commerce business in India:-   

1.      Increase Conversion Rates
Specific keywords often tend to have a better conversion rate than general keywords. For example, consider the keywords below. Which one do you think leads to a higher conversion rate?
       a.       HP
       b.      HP Printers
       c.       HP P1007
Generally, more specific keywords like "HP P1007" tend to lead to a better conversion rate than general keywords like "HP." This is because the online shoppers who are looking for specific models or products have already researched the product and now want to make a purchase. However, using more specific keywords can lead to fewer impressions. If your keywords are too specific, fewer people may end up searching for those terms. The trick is to find the right balance between being general enough to match what people are searching for, and specific enough to lead to conversions.

2.      Increase Average Order Value and Decrease Bounce RatesOnce you get a shopper to your site, the goal shifts to making them purchase as much as possible. Since the online shoppers have specific needs your landing pages must be designed to instantly provide personalized and relevant content. The customers can be encouraged to buy more products by creating product bundles, instead of selling them separately. For example a mobile phone can be sold with accessories like bluetooth, phone cover, micro SD card etc.

3.     Differentiate Your Business
With so many retailers entering the online e-commerce business you need to differentiate yourself from them. Asking simple questions to yourself such as - 
    Why should a customer visit you? 
    Do you offer the lowest price? 
    Does your customer service set you apart? 
will set your differential advantage and help you develop your USP. Every business needs to differentiate itself. As a small e-commerce business, you cannot hope to sell everything to everybody, so you need to make sure that your business stands for something specific in the minds of consumers. One way to differentiate your business is to solve at least one problem that customers face -- especially a problem that no one else is solving.

Shovana Sahu
About Intentree
Intentree provides e-commerce optimization services using measurable & frugal usability, performance, security and functional techniques. To know more visit us @ or or

1 comment:

  1. I like all the points to enhance customer service. Its important as well as necessary to work on this factor. Thank you so much for the additional information provided to explain each point to help all.
    improve customer experience
